The table gives the dates and layouts that Elham Valley Model Railway Club is booked to attend in 2025. Plus a show in Devember 2024.
Date |
Probable Layout
21st December 2024 |
Herne Bay Herne Centre, School Lane, Herne, Kent CT6 7A |
Shepley |
8th March 2025 |
Aylesham Old School, Main Hall Aylesham Community Trust Ackholt Road Aylesham, nr Dover CT3 3AJ |
Elham Valley Industrial Limeworks |
10th May 2025 |
Birchington The Centre, Alpha Road, Birchington, Kent CT7 9EG |
Possible - Blatherwick (under construction) |
Class 153 pulls SER coaches out of Elham heading for Folkestone.
We have decided that we need to develop our individual skills and develop a new layout. This is intended to be capable of being run in a variety of different sizes and shapes. We hope to have chosen something to model that will be interesting and unusual.
So EVMRC's next project is the Blatherwick and Over Oldburn Tramway. Steam trams circa 1880 somewhere in Lancashire although built to standard gauge; rather than the perhaps more usual 4 foot gauge, adopted by steam trams in the North West.
Photo courtesy of National Tramway Museum - Peter Whiteley ^
& First Glimpse of operations.....
and a slightly longer look....
seems as if there has been a change of name!
To support an Elham iniative to promote its clubs and societies we took along our layout - Elham Valley Industrial Limeworks.
Photos taken of Elham Valley Model Railway Club's E.V.I.L. layout at the Birchington Show.
SECR D class pulling a birdcage set in Wellington brown out of Elham station.
Photo taken at PEENE Railway Museum's 75th commeration of the closure of the Elham Valley Line.
Note the new backscene and the addition of the railway cottages in the distance. Happily the Spring planting was completed in good time.
Photos of the Elham layout in SECR days. Wellington brown coaches and locos in wartime livery.
Elham Model Railway Club's layout Elham at Tenterden 2020. Note the addition of the Station Masters house and the train of brick wagons from Elham works. Someone's bought a new car.
The Elham Valley Model Railway Club layout Elham went to the Tenterden show in February.
The period displayed was the early Southern Railway period up to the late 1930s.
The only film known to the Club taken of the Elham Valley Railway. This shows the rail mounted gun kept on the line during the Second World War. Another film claiming to show a goods train at night doesn't appear to be in a station on the Elham Valley Branch.
The Elham Valley Industrial Limeworks completed by the the Elham Valley MRC is an 009 chalk quarry layout on a 4' by 3' board.
This may form one of a number of small layouts on different themes but all using a number of common features and all built in a 4' by 3' space. As we develop and commit to the ideas we will let people know.
None of the group who built the new layout has worked in 009 before and one of the aims of this project was to broaden individuals' skills.
The layout includes an elevated standard gauge siding serving the quarry. The picture shows a trial build for the automated control system for this piece of track and shows the full length of the track controlled .
The date for the next monthly meeting is yet to be set. If you want to come along to meetings and you are not yet a member you will be welcome.
Date to be announced shortly so watch the web for dates.
The 2016 show was well attended by enthusiasts and featured 12 layouts; 50% more than the club's first show.
Chris White fought a gallant battle in his attempt to build a loco kit in a day. At the end it was hard to tell where the kit ended and Chris began as he was so covered in lead. Andy meanwhile quietly carried on building wagon after wagon kit.
Visitors left with favourable comments on all the layouts on display. For some idea of the quality see the photos, or make a note to come yourself next time.
What you missed at the Elham Valley Model Railway Show